Everyone who already meditates successfully for a longer period of time knows that meditation can be a strong base for well-being. When meditation becomes a habit, it becomes a reliable source of peace and tranquility.
Truth be told, it’s known that it’s difficult to meditate on a regular basis and build a habit. In our busy lives, meditation doesn’t necessarily seem like a high priority.
That is why we have compiled the following tips for you. Combine them with the guides and information above to enjoy the best meditation experiences.
Meditation Tip 1: Count Your Breaths
Focus your attention on your breath while you meditate. As you inhale, focus on your breath and follow it through your nose down to your lungs. Count “one” when you breathe in, then “two” when you exhale. Repeat this ten times and then start at one again.
This tip is especially helpful if you have problems letting go or if can’t relax.
Meditation Tip 2: Don’t Try to Stop Your Thoughts Completely
Many people believe that meditation is about purifying the mind or stopping all thoughts. That’s not the point. Sometimes it can happen that you can control your thoughts, but that’s not the purpose of meditation.
It’s okay if you have thoughts while meditating. That’s normal. Your brain is a thought-factory you can’t switch off. Instead, just try to improve the focus of your attention.
Meditation Tip 3: Get to Know Yourself
Meditation is not only about strengthening your mindfulness. Rather, it is about understanding how your mind works.
It may be confusing in the beginning, but if you observe your thoughts neutrally long enough, you will recognize certain patterns and get to know yourself better.
Meditation Tip 4: Mind Your Body
Another way to help you release tension in your body is to consciously focus your attention on certain parts of your body. Start from your feet and move your attention slowly towards your head.
Meditation Tip 5: Commit to Meditation
Don’t approach meditation with the attitude: “Sure, I’ll try it out for a few days”. You have to give the whole thing a certain meaning and really put yourself into it. Focus your mind on it in order to builder a habit and a “meditation lifestyle”.
Meditation Tip 6: Socialize
You don’t have to meditate alone. Ask your spouse, child or friend if they want to join your meditation session. Even better: make a deal with a friend to remind you to meditate regularly.
Meditation Tip 7: Find Like-Minded People
In your hometown, there might be a meditation community that meets offline to meditate together. If not you can still find an online group. Ask questions, get support, and encourage others to explore the topic of meditation. Not only will you stick with it longer, but you will help others at the same time.
Meditation Tip 8: Remember the Benefits of Meditation
Take a moment after each session to see how you feel – physically, emotionally and mentally. Once you begin to make a connection between your meditation practice and your improved well-being, it will be easier to continue and stay motivated.
Meditation Tip 9: Use Guided Meditation
During guided meditations, you get guides through every step of the meditation. They are enormously helpful because they do exactly what the name suggests: guiding you through meditation so that you don’t have to think or worry about what to do next. You can just sit back, relax and follow the instructions.
Meditation music is also helpful if you feel too distracted by the guidelines of the meditation instructor.
Meditation Tip 10: Start an Excuse Book
If you decide to skip meditation for a day, write down the reasons. Ask yourself: “This did reason stop me from meditating for just a couple of minutes, or did I let myself down?” In most cases, it’s probably the second statement. With such an excuse book you are regularly reminded how important the health of your mind and body really is.
Meditation Tip 11: Integrate Meditation into Your Daily Routine
It definitely helps to integrate your meditation exercise into your daily routine. For example: “brush your teeth, then meditate” or “meditate, then drink tea”.
Meditation Tip 12: Keep the Routine Flexible
Stay flexible with your meditation sessions. Don’t make it a reason not to meditate when you can’t invest 20 minutes every day. It can also be less or if you’re not feeling good, start with less and if you feel like you want to keep on meditating for another 10 minutes, go from there.
Meditation Tip 13: Smile When You’re Done
After you finish your meditation session, smile for the next two minutes. Be thankful that you had this time for yourself, that you stuck with your commitment and showed self-love. You invested time in yourself, to get to know yourself better and to maintain your own mental and physical health.
Meditation Tip 14: Integrate Mudras
Mudras are hand postures in both yoga and meditation. They are used as tools to enhance and intensify the meditation experience.
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