Aromatherapy can sometimes be helpful for headaches. Different people respond differently to essential oils, of course, so it may take some trial and error to find out which, if any, will help your headaches.

How to Use Essential Oils for Your Headaches

There are three ways you can use essential oils to help you with headache pain:

Use a diffuser with a drop or two of the oil added water and sit near it for 30 minutes or so.
Mix a drop of the oil with a carrier oil like olive or almond oil and apply it topically to the temples, forehead, or back of the neck.
Place a drop of the oil in your hands, rub them together, and then place your face a few inches from your cupped hands and inhale.

Be sure to use caution with essential oils and start with small amounts to be sure you are going to react well to them.

Essential Oils for Headaches

Some common essential oils that are used to combat headache pain include:

  • Lavender. The soothing properties of this essential oil are well-known, and diffusing or inhaling it often induces feelings of peace and well-being, which can ease tension or stress headaches.
  • Frankincense. Some people find relief from headache pain when they diffuse or apply frankincense essential oil, which not only has a soothing aroma for many people but may also have healing properties.
  • Peppermint. When diffused, peppermint may aid in relaxation, which can ease headache pain. When applied topically, it causes the skin to feel cool and may increase circulation to the area, both of which can help reduce pain.
  • Rosemary. This essential oil has been used historically to ease tension, improve circulation, and reduce stress, all of which may help with headaches.

Other essential oils can help with headache pain in certain individuals. For instance, eucalyptus oils may help with sinus-based headaches, and any oil that is soothing to a particular individual can help with tension headaches.

Other Headache Help

If you suffer from chronic headaches, take a look at this article for tips on how to deal with the associated stress: “Dealing with the Stress of Chronic Headaches.”

How does aromatherapy work?

When inhaled, aromatherapy stimulates your nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves). This means aromatherapy starts a chain reaction of signals to your brain and chemical responses throughout your body. This activity begins once you start smelling an essential oil.

Essential oils (like all substances that smell) release tiny molecules into the air. When you inhale an essential oil, those molecules move into your nose. Special cells in your nose called olfactory receptors notice the molecules are there. In response, they send messages to your brain through your olfactory nerve.

These messages stimulate activity in your hypothalamus and your brain’s limbic system. Your limbic system is a group of structures (including the amygdala) that help control your emotions and store your memories.

Your brain then releases hormones like:

  • Serotonin.
  • Endorphins.
  • Dopamine.

These hormones help regulate many body functions like mood, sleep and digestion. The release of these hormones can help you in various ways, like lowering anxiety and reducing your perception of pain.

Researchers continue to investigate how aromatherapy affects your body.