There are several outward signs of trance that can be observed in all subjects. These signs can not be simulated by the subject. The subject will exhibit at least one, and in many cases, multiple signs.

1) Body Warmth

Many subjects note a distinct change in body temperature. Many subjects feel cold, and others feel warm. This is attributed to the lower pulse rate and extreme relaxation of the subject.

2) Fluttering Eyelids

Virtually all subjects in trance exhibit a ‘fluttering of eyelids’. The subject is actually in a Rapid Eye Movement (R. E. M.) state.

3) Reddening of the Eyes

All subjects will demonstrate a reddening of the eyes once they’ve entered trance. This phenomenon is attributed to the relaxation of the muscles in the eyes of the subject, allowing a greater flow of blood through the veins.

4) Increased Lacrimation

Many subjects, upon entering trance, will exhibit an increased ‘tearing of the eyes.’ This is attributed to the relaxation of the muscles surrounding the tear ducts.

5) Eyes Rolling Back

Many subjects, upon entering trance, will experience their eyes rolling back in their head. It will appear as if the subject is looking up through the top of his head.

6) Reduction of the swallow reflex

People swallow one or two times per minute. However, under hypnosis, this natural swallowing rhythm can cease entirely. Even if the swallow reflex doesn’t completely halt, there is often a noticeable decrease in its frequency.
Conversely, an uptick in swallowing may indicate nervousness in the subject.

Depth Test – Yardstick

I would like you to use your imagination.

Imagine a yardstick if you would …

as you know a yardstick has numbers ranging from 1 to 36.

Imagine that the number one represent the least relaxed you could be …

as if you were wide awake ….

and the number 36 represents the deepest that you could be relaxed …

Between 1 and 36 there are many numbers …

one of those numbers best represent exactly how relaxed you are at this present time …

I’d like you to think about how relaxed you are right now,

and about which numbers best represents that relaxed feeling …

In just a moment I will ask you to tell me which number it is that you are relaxed at …

So now remaining totally completely relaxed …

tell me,

what number are you relaxed at right now?

(If they are not relax at a high enough number then do another deepener)

Trance Testing – Eye Catalepsy

Introduction: Testing is used to test the depth of the trance.

Instructions to hypnotist

Optional: place your right thumb on the bridge of the subjects nose and apply slight pressure

Spoken to the subject

I’m going to count from five down to one.

As I do, you’re eyelids lock so tightly closed that the more you try to open them, the tighter they’re locking closed.

Five, your eyes are pressing down tightly.

Four, pressing down and sealing shut.

Three, sealing as if they were glued.

Two, they’re locked shut. The more you try to open them, the tighter they’re locking closed.

Okay, try to open your eyelids now and find them locking tighter and tighter. That’s fine. You can stop trying now. Just relaxed and go deeper.

Trance Testing – Eye Catalepsy

Introduction: Testing is used to test the depth of the trance.

Instructions to hypnotist

Optional: place your right thumb on the bridge of the subjects nose and apply slight pressure

Spoken to the subject

I’m going to count from five down to one.

As I do, you’re eyelids lock so tightly closed that the more you try to open them, the tighter they’re locking closed.

Five, your eyes are pressing down tightly.

Four, pressing down and sealing shut.

Three, sealing as if they were glued.

Two, they’re locked shut. The more you try to open them, the tighter they’re locking closed.

Okay, try to open your eyelids now and find them locking tighter and tighter. That’s fine. You can stop trying now. Just relaxed and go deeper.