Forget Insults, Criticism & Judgement Affirmations
Here is a list of all the affirmations – Forget Insults, Criticism & Judgement:
I have total belief in myself
I am a good person
I am a kind, caring person
People respect me and my opinions
I am proud of who I am
I love myself unconditionally
I am perfect just the way I am
I feel good about myself
I am a strong-minded person
I am confident
I have total confidence in myself and my abilities
People like me
I am a happy person
I am an incredible person who is capable of anything
I am strong, I am powerful
I have so much to offer this world
People like me because I am an interesting person
People respect me
I am in complete control of my emotions
I have the strength to overcome anything
I let go of the past and focus on the future
In this moment right now all I need to do is rest
I am a calm, confident person
People are amazed at how calm and confident I am
I have a great personality
I am a strong and capable person
I have the confidence to do anything I wish to do
I focus my attention on happy thoughts
I am so happy right now
I have so many amazing qualities
My life is great
I smile every day
In this moment right now, I feel amazing
In this moment right now, I am relaxed and carefree
I focus my attention on positive thoughts
I can deal with any situation easily
I am happy and content
I am an incredible person with so much to offer
Positive thoughts are flowing through my mind
I am so glad to be me
I love myself just the way I am
I am perfect just the way I am
Each day I become even happier
My self-esteem grows stronger every day
My life is an amazing gift
I am so thankful to be me
I am free from all judgement
I am free
I am confident and self-assured
I am aware of how powerful my mind is
I have a bright future ahead of me
I am a positive person
I feel so happy
I am resilient
I am strong
People respect me because I am a calm, confident person
My future is full of amazing possibilities
I feel happy and relaxed in all situations
Each day I become even more confident and in control
I deserve to be happy
I am happy
I am loved
I am safe and protected
I am proud of the person I have become
I am an incredible person
I have so much to offer this world
I respect myself
I let myself rest
I am feeling so relaxed right now
I am so safe, calm, and peaceful
All my muscles are resting
I am so calm and comfortable
I feel completely relaxed
All I need to do is rest
I let everything go