Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Tag: Past Life (Page 3 of 4)

Journeying to Your Past Life

Let’s say you didn’t come here for a lecture on quantum physics. Let’s say we’re going to an alternate reality: Time is malleable. The past, present, and future coexist in a single moment.

Reincarnation is a possibility. And this present life might be a blip in a constellation of lives that compose your soul’s identity.

This theory cannot be proven. It cannot be disproven.

Okay, you and your therapist agree that it’s a good idea for you to go back and sort out those unresolved issues experienced by a past you.

The PLR session, or sessions, will be very similar in nature to any other hypnotherapy session, with just a few differences.

Revealing any past-life memories

Along with taking a normal case history, your therapist may also ask you about the following:

Your belief in reincarnation. Your therapist wants to know what your understanding of PLR and reincarnation is. After all, she’ll be working with your beliefs. She also needs to know of any past experiences you had visiting former lives, either through a therapist or spontaneously.

(On rare occasions, some people spontaneously slip back into a past life when they are dozing, just about to fall asleep, or as a dream experience.) Why you think that a past life experience may be responsible for your current symptom. What tells you that your solution lies in a past life?

When you think about your symptom, what indicates that its cause lies way back, before you were born?

Just because you believe that your problem comes from a past life, that doesn’t mean that your hypnotherapist will automatically take you there.

She will consider many factors before taking you down that route.

Whether you’re aware of the particular life responsible. Some people are very aware of the life responsible for their current problem long before they go for therapy. If you know, let your hypnotherapist know too.

Keep in mind that this may be only one of several lives contributing to your problem (then again, it may be the only one!). You may need to visit other lives before your problem is solved.

Any relevant dreams you’ve had. When you dream, you allow your unconscious to roam freely, and your unconscious may well access a past life. When you awaken, you may be aware that this particular dream holds something of significance.

Any spontaneous thoughts you have been having about past lives.

Is your unconscious trying to tell you something? Do you have spontaneous thoughts about events from a past that doesn’t seem to belong to you? Could this be your unconscious saying ‘Hey, this is where the seat of your problem lies!’?

Let your hypnotherapist know about any experiences on this list, because your awareness of your past lives may be pointing you in the right direction.

When many people think of reincarnation they often make the erroneous assumption that they were someone famous in a past life. In actual fact, it is extremely rare to come across well-known characters from history. On the contrary, by far the most common manifestation of a past life is that of a very ordinary person. Is it likely that you were Henry VIII? No! A cook in the court of Henry VIII? Yes!

Choosing a route

There are many approaches to taking you back to a past life, none of which require magic or any special powers, so let’s leave that idea to the fantasists!

What route will you travel on through the centuries? Well, the path you take depends on the creativity of both you and your hypnotherapist.

Your hypnotherapist may ask you to imagine one of several scenarios:

  • You’re walking down a long and comfortable corridor. On either side of you are doors, with each one leading to a specific past life. Your therapist may invite you to find a door that is particularly attractive to you, for whatever reason, and to imagine walking through that door into the relevant past life.
  • You’re walking up a safe and well-lit tunnel. When you reach the end, you step out into your past life. You’re climbing a gentle hill and when you reach its summit, you step out into another past life.

Or maybe you step into a time machine, or through the pages of a book, or through a mirror, or . . . the possibilities are endless.

Even though you think you know which life you need to visit at a conscious level, your hypnotherapist may want to be unspecific when she takes you back.

She may use a phrase along the lines of – “And you can step through that door into the life that is most relevant to the reason you are with me today”. She isn’t ignoring you, she just knows that your unconscious mind will recognize the most important life you need to visit. Consciously you may think you know, but your unconscious often knows best in these cases. Let it be your guide!

Reaching a dead end

You step through the door with excited anticipation of entering into and exploring that past life and . . . nothing! Zilch! Not a sausage! Nothing except a big sense of disappointment.

So what’s going on? Why aren’t you getting anywhere on this journey? Well, there can be several reasons, the main ones being:

You’re not ready to go back. Perhaps it was too early to try a PLR.

Maybe you need to do some more work in the present before you attempt to go back into the past. Yes, you believe in past lives, but maybe you have fears about going there. Perhaps you don’t fully trust your therapist yet, as that all-important rapport hasn’t been sufficiently built up yet.

You can address whatever issues are putting up the roadblock with your hypnotherapist, and try PLR once they are resolved.

The route back was not right for you. If you don’t like the method of transportation (maybe the enclosed space of the tunnel makes you nervous, or the height of the hill seems too steep), the likelihood of reaching your past life destination is minimized. Why? Because if you feel a little uptight and tense, your unconscious mind protects you from taking a path that is not right for you.

To resolve this, discuss your feelings with your hypnotherapist and agree on a route that is more acceptable to you.

Something in your current life needs to be resolved before you can go back. Maybe an issue in your current life is demanding attention.

Sometimes these issues can be very selfish and won’t let you go back despite your strong desire.

Your therapist can use techniques such as dissociation, or a regression, to the event in this life talks about these techniques), to help clear the current life roadblock (which, by the very fact it’s demanding attention like this, needs to be addressed), and therefore re-opening up your path into time.

The problem doesn’t stem from a past life. If the genesis of your problem is not in a past life, you can’t go back to resolve it.

Of course, after you resolve your current life problem, your therapist can take you back through the portals of time just simply to have the experience, if you wish.

Whatever the reasons for not getting back to a past life, they can be cleared up. With a little perseverance from both you and your hypnotherapist, your past lives will open up like the pages of a wonderful history book.

Use Past Life Regression to address conflicts

Past Life Regression Therapy

Clients are guided into a relaxed state of awareness via hypnosis, to relive and resolve scenes or conflicts from past lives and current life issues.

Please have a look for yourself see this YouTube video by Alba Weinman of a Hypnotherapy Regression Session in 2016 that the client holds within her three Past Lives and Dolores Cannon on the New Earth.

Past Life Regression (PLR) is a relaxation process by which you access the deeper levels of your consciousness and soul memories.

Past Life Regression evolved from the concept of reincarnation. Simply, reincarnation is a belief that each of us possesses an eternal soul, which in turn experiences many lifetimes in many different bodies.

Through the use of hypnosis, guided imagery, and other relaxation techniques we can bypass the more critical functions of your conscious mind and access the subconscious mind which contains all of the memories and events of your soul’s journey from birth, to death, and eventual rebirth.

Resolving issues through hypnosis frees us to live life fully. Seeing the big picture, through regressing to prior lives can literally use past lives to view issues in a current life.

A branch of hypnotherapy, past life regression therapy has grown over the last 50 years to be an important addition to the healing arts. Some people try past life regression simply out of curiosity to see who they were in the past. But for most, it’s a path for personal growth and healing.

Past life regressions provide the opportunity to discover who you may have been in a previous incarnation. People using the technique believe learning about your past lives may help reveal information that allows you to heal issues or discover a new purpose in your current life.

During the process you may:

  • See personal relationships in a new light
  • Energize talents and abilities from the past
  • Release past life traumas at the root of physical problems
  • Release fears and anxieties linked to past life traumas
  • Experience the transitional states of death and beyond
  • Understand and align with life purpose

Past Life Regression Techniques

You can learn how to do past life regression. A wide array of past life regression techniques to help you recall past lives, ranging from dreams and spontaneous recall to hypnosis.

Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy

Past life regression hypnosis is used to recall past lives and seeks to bring into consciousness hidden or repressed memories that have been carried forward from a previous lifetime or incarnation.

During a session, a trained facilitator uses guided imagery or hypnosis to regress the client to a point in the past. This point may be a previous life or a specific time during the client’s childhood. Once these memories become part of conscious memory, the client is often able to work through many conflicts, release possible spiritual blockages and examine any lessons learned from a spiritual perspective.

The fee for such services typically ranges from R500 to R2000 or higher, depending on the facilitator, time spent, and hypnotic techniques used. When seeking past life regression hypnotherapy, it is crucial to work only with an experienced professional who can regress you safely and assist you with any spiritual or psychological issues resulting from the session.

You may find the following types of professionals who can help you:

  • Psychotherapists: Many psychotherapists receive training in hypnosis and past life regression and some offer initial sessions at no cost. If money is an issue, you may be able to find a local teaching hospital to see which services are available for no or low cost.
  • Hypnotherapists: Not all hypnotherapists are experienced at past life regression hypnotherapy. Seek one who is. You may be able to locate an experienced professional in your area. If cost is a factor, you may be able to find low or no charge services by volunteering to be hypnotized in a class or workshop.
  • On-line services: While many websites offer free regression sessions most of these sites are run by people without adequate training, and some sites are purely fraudulent. Use caution when using an online service, even if it is recommended by a trusted friend.
  • Regression circles: Many larger cities have regression circles. These are similar to support groups. They are typically overseen by a trained professional, but the circle members perform the sessions on other members. To locate a circle in your area, try calling local hypnotherapists for information and referrals.

Regression Tools

While there are many ways that you can achieve a self past life regression to recall past life memories. It is important to keep the following in mind:

  • Relax. In order to let your mind wander deeper into the past, your body must be as relaxed as possible so that you are not physically or mentally distracted by your present carnation.
  • Don’t over analyze or stress about what you might experience. Over analysis prevents you from relaxing completely.
  • Set aside judgment. Act as an observer during your regression and save judgment for your research afterward.
  • Don’t be afraid of what you’ll discover. Many people fear they will find out they did something terrible in a past life. Everyone makes mistakes, including the previous incarnations of you. While you can’t change what you did in a past life, you have total control over what you do in this one.
  • Open your mind to the possibility what you are seeing might actually be true. If you begin seeing flashes of memory but automatically dismiss them, what’s the point? In order to make any progress in past life regression, you need to be open to what you see and prepared to take it seriously.

Is Past Life Regression Real?

Many people wonder if what you discover in your regression is true information. While there is no definitive proof what you experience during a regression is factual, there have been many cases where people have been able to verify facts discovered during a session.

How can past life regression therapy help me?

Often people do not understand why they feel blocked, depressed, stuck, ill or unsuccessful. By connecting the past to the present, a missing piece of the puzzle can be located.

PLR therapy covers past lives and includes current life memories, some of which may be below the level of our conscious awareness. Conflicts from the past may be distorting our mental, emotional and physical well-being. PLR therapy helps to resolve these conflicts and help us move forward with clarity

Must I be of any particular religion for PLR therapy to work?

No. PLR therapy does not require a belief in a personal deity, a religion, or a belief in the existence of an immortal soul. It is not “dark magic”. It is simply a hypnotherapy process to allow you to unlock memories hidden in your subconscious. A past life regression therapy session will not affect your religious beliefs in any way.

What to Do With Information From Your Past Life Regression?

It’s easy to get caught up in interest and excitement about a past life and ignore the life you are living right now. This life is the one that’s most truly important. Take what you learn from past lives and use it to heal issues in your life today. In doing so, you can move forward with a focus on making your present life and circumstances the best they can be.

Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover memories of other lives that we have lived.

Click here to book your Regression Therapy Appointment.

E-mail Address: regression@hypnotherapycenter.co.za

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