With the power of your mind imagine any itchiness, redness, or scaling disappearing, replaced by a sense of comfort, serenity, and well-being.
Here is a sample hypnotherapy script for reliving symptoms of psoriasis:
“Welcome to this hypnotherapy session, where you’ll embark on a journey to relieve your psoriasis symptoms. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel your body relax, letting go of any tension or discomfort.
Imagine yourself standing at the top of a staircase, with each step leading you deeper into relaxation. With each breath, take a step down, feeling your body becoming heavier, more relaxed, and more comfortable.
As you descend, imagine a warm, soothing light filling your body, calming your mind, and quieting your nervous system. Allow yourself to let go of any worries or concerns, knowing that you’re safe and supported in this hypnotic state.”
“Now, imagine yourself in a peaceful, serene environment. Visualize a beautiful, calm lake on a warm summer day. The sun shines brightly, casting a gentle warmth on your skin. With each breath, feel your body relaxing further, letting go of any remaining tension or stress.
Notice the sensation of your feet connecting with the ground, feeling rooted and stable. As you inhale, imagine fresh, clean air filling your lungs, and as you exhale, imagine any discomfort, pain, or stress leaving your body.
Allow yourself to sink deeper into relaxation, feeling your heart rate slowing, your mind quieting, and your body responding to the soothing ambiance.”
Symptom Relief
“Now, bring your attention to your skin. Imagine a warm, gentle light bathing your entire body, soothing any areas of discomfort or irritation.
As you focus on your skin, repeat the following affirmations to yourself:
* ‘My skin is calm and relaxed.’
* ‘My skin is clear and healthy.’
* ‘I am free from pain and discomfort.’
Imagine this warm light penetrating deep into your skin, calming the inflammation, and promoting healing from within. Visualize your skin cells repairing and regenerating, leaving your skin feeling smooth, supple, and radiant.
As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine any itchiness, redness, or scaling disappearing, replaced by a sense of comfort, serenity, and well-being. Allow yourself to feel confident and empowered, knowing that your body is capable of healing and responding to your positive suggestions.”
Visualized Imagery
“Imagine yourself standing in front of a mirror, looking at your reflection. Notice how your skin appears radiant, clear, and healthy. Visualize any psoriasis symptoms disappearing, like magic, leaving your skin looking and feeling its best.
Imagine running your hands over your skin, feeling the smoothness, the softness, and the suppleness. Feel proud of yourself, knowing that you’ve taken control of your health, and that your body is responding positively to your hypnotic suggestions.”
“Take a few more deep breaths, feeling relaxed, calm, and centered. Know that you can revisit this peaceful state whenever you need to, simply by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths.
As you slowly open your eyes, take with you the confidence and empowerment that you’ve experienced during this session. Remember, your body is capable of healing, and you have the power to influence its response.
Take care of yourself, and remember to practice self-care regularly. You are deserving of comfort, peace, and optimal health.”
“When you’re ready, slowly count backwards from five, and as you reach one, open your eyes, feeling refreshed, renewed, and revitalized. Take a deep breath, and smile, knowing that you’ve taken the first step towards relieving your psoriasis symptoms.”
Remember to tailor this script to your client’s specific needs and preferences, and to always prioritize their comfort and safety during the hypnotherapy session.