Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Tag: Smoking (Page 4 of 5)

End your Tobacco (nicotine) Addiction – Today you made the Decision to Quit? What Now?

Deciding to give up tobacco is not only the first step toward recovery, but also the most important step toward better health. Many tobacco users quit each year.

After just two years of quitting smoking, the risk of stroke can be reduced to that of a nonsmoker. Other benefits of quitting include:

  • Heart rate and blood pressure decrease to levels of a nonsmoker within just 2 hours of quitting.
  • Risk of heart disease is reduced by 50 percent after a year of quitting.

Risk of lung cancer is reduced after quitting- over 80 percent of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking.

There are significant financial benefits of no longer purchasing tobacco products – a pack a day smoker can save upwards of R2,600 per year.

It can be a hard decision to make because many people are uncertain that they will be able to quit. However, more and more people are successfully giving up tobacco every year. Take the next step to recovery now.

Relapse Doesn’t Mean Failure

Too many people feel they aren’t able to quit because they relapse. It’s normal for a person to feel discouraged when their addiction takes control and their cravings cause them to relapse, but it’s also a common struggle for many smokers.

It is important to recognize that relapse during recovery doesn’t mean failure.

The First Steps to Nicotine Addiction Recovery

Anyone can give up tobacco and there are more resources than ever to help people quit. The first thing to know is what to expect while quitting. Those seeking recovery can benefit from knowing the effects of nicotine addiction and potential withdrawal symptoms they might be facing.

Here are some helpful steps to guide your recovery:

1. Set a Quit Date

Many people find it helpful to set a quit date. This gives you adequate time to get in the right mindset. Some people even use this time to start cutting back on their nicotine consumption.

2. Know Your Triggers

People can have cravings for nicotine years after they have quit. Any memories associated with tobacco use can trigger a craving, so reducing the occurrence of these triggers can make quitting easier.

Common triggers of nicotine cravings:

  • After meals
  • Driving
  • Boredom
  • Stress
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Being around tobacco

Some triggers are unavoidable. Most people can’t simply avoid every trigger in their daily life. Things like driving or craving tobacco after a meal are common triggers that individuals recovering from nicotine addiction have to learn to manage with healthy coping skills. Reducing exposure to your triggers as much as possible, however, is still immensely helpful.

3. Get Support

Telling people you’re quitting can make it easier to quit. Having people to hold you accountable to your goal makes your chances of success a lot better. It’s no secret that those who try to quit on their own have a harder time. It’s estimated that 95 percent of those who fail quitting tried to quit without support.

Support can come in several different forms. It can be support from family or a spouse. Many people trying to quit also turn to support groups and classes, as well as individual therapy, to learn healthy coping skills and relapse prevention strategies. It’s often easier to quit when there are others aiming for the same goal with whom you can relate.

Support can even be personal. Finding motivation to remain abstinent from tobacco helps many people. Motivation can come in the form of looking at health statistics for people who use tobacco or even quitting for the sake of a loved one. Everyone can have a different reason for quitting. Staying focused on this goal gives purpose to achieving your goal.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine replacement therapy is the alternative to quitting cold turkey. Many people replace their tobacco use with nicotine patches, inhalers, gum, or lozenges. There are also medications individuals can use, such as Chantix and Wellbutrin, to help reduce cravings and urges to use. This is beneficial to making it easier to transition through recovery.

The main benefit of nicotine replacement therapy is that it allows those who are quitting to focus on their psychological addiction before completely ridding their system of nicotine.

Getting Over Your Addiction

If you are reading this page you are either thinking about giving up tobacco or have already made the decision to quit. Everyone is different and there are several ways to go about quitting.

Stop Smoking Hypnosis

Enjoy your life as a non-smoking free breather!

Hypnosis – This is a popular option that has produced good results for many smokers struggling to quit. Forget anything you may have seen from stage hypnotists, hypnosis works by getting you into a deeply relaxed state where you are open to suggestions that strengthen your resolve to stop smoking and increase your negative feelings toward cigarettes.

You want to stop smoking because it’s a very unhealthy and expensive habit. Chances are you’ve already tried a variety of ways to stop smoking, but you’re still struggling. You may even have stopped before, but whether it’s been for a few days or for several months, somehow the smoking habit has crept back and you’ve found yourself back there, puffing away again on your “cancer sticks”. Why does this keep happening?

Well, like most smokers you almost certainly have much more of a psychological dependence on smoking than a physical one. Over time, the psychological habits relating to smoking become thoroughly ingrained at a subconscious level. Smoking cessation products such as pills, patches and gum can provide relief from the physical side-effects of nicotine withdrawal, but they do not address the psychological issues that prevent or discourage people from quitting.

To stop smoking for good you need to develop beliefs that will enable you to think and feel as if you have never smoked. This is why hypnosis is the ideal tool to help you become a true non-smoker once and for all. Hypnosis opens the door to lasting change by going straight to the source of the problem and to re-frame your entire perception of smoking at a subconscious level.

Imagine what it would be like to:

  • Enjoy a happier, healthier and much longer life!
  • Have more money to spend on the things you like!
  • Be a proud non-smoker and an inspiration to others!

This hypnosis sessions has been designed by our team of hugely experienced hypnotherapists to help ‘program’ your subconscious mind so that you can begin to think, feel and act like a true non-smoker. The sessions includes expertly crafted hypnotic suggestion and advanced hypnotherapy techniques to help you break free from the smoking habit and cope with the stresses of life in a calm, relaxed and confident way.

Of course, hypnosis is not magic and everyone responds differently. It should also be noted that when it comes to hypnotherapy, it’s the therapy part of the equation that really counts. So by choosing this professionally hypnotherapy service you will be giving yourself every chance of success. In our offices or in the comfort of your own home we teach your subconscious exactly how you want to be – forever, finally, and completely free of the smoking habit!

Break free from smoking for good with hypnosis!

Disclaimer: Please remember that everybody is different and therefore results and response times do vary from person to person.

An addiction can seem like a life sentence, but just by making a decision to do something about it you have already taken the first step towards freedom. Hypnosis can help you every step of the way as you complete that journey.

If you have any questions about our Stop Smoking Addiction Hypnosis Sessions please e-mail us here: info@hypnotherapycenter.co.za.

Please click here to make an Appointment!

Change The Way You Think And Change Your Life

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Dr Wayne Dyer

I facilitate changes in human thinking and spiritual awareness utilizing affirmation, suggestions and other techniques, thereby disentangling and unraveling unwanted thoughts, beliefs and habits, freeing my clients to live the lives they choose to.

Using hypnotherapy, I specialize in helping people to release debilitating patterns, discover their inner resources and unlock their potential.

If you have the desire to change your life for the better, whether to stop an addiction or bad habit, or just to attain the goals you have set yourself, I can assist you through the use of hypnotic trance. You cannot alter your past, but you can change your perception of it, and in doing so influence your future!!

In my practice I deal with most problems, self-esteem, smoking, weight, hair-pulling, letting-go, sexual dysfunction, sport performance, goal-setting, sleep disruption etc.

In life, what we look at is not nearly as important as how we look at it. Our perception of the world is what creates our life experience.

Behind every human being is a story, a rich personal history that is filled with the tales of our experiences in life, both good and bad.

Such experiences and their memories create our perception: Our unique view of the world around us. For example, if a dog bit you at a young age, you may have a slight prejudice towards or even fear of dogs. Similarly, if you had a happy and loving pet growing up, you will likely project some of that positive feeling about animals into your present reality.

When we explore and are eventually able to understand this concept, we have the capacity to make adjustments to our personal perception.

If you have always been afraid of heights but one day, you happen to suddenly remember that time when you were 4 years old and you got stuck really high up a tree, the fear becomes somewhat silly. You may realize that the fear you felt so strongly for so long is not actually real, and that you have been creating it from the place of your 4 year old self.

This is what it means to change the way we look at things.

This concept can be compared in a small way to the Universal Law of Relativity. That is, when we compare something with something else, it may seem better or worse. But the thing itself doesn’t change, only our perception of it does.

Our thoughts remain real and true until challenged. If you take a moment to look a little deeper at your thoughts, and their origin and justification for existing, you may find that your perception has been somewhat skewed and is therefore not true at all.

It is the spiritual individual’s quest to seek out truth, and personal truth is a large part of that journey. Personal truth is, among other things, to have a deep and honest knowledge of ones perception of life and therefore ones ‘self’.

When we set this quest for truth as our intention, we are opening ourselves up to finding a new awareness of what is, rather than what we believed previously.

Only then can we allow the screens of judgement and bias that we have manufactured within us to slowly drop away. This is a life-long process, but it is empowering to know and understand that almost anything in life can be adjusted with a change of perception.

Here is a list of ways you can change your thoughts and give a positive direction to your life.

1. Change your thoughts by creating positive affirmations

Affirmations are not always positive. They can be negative as well. The hexes created by the witches are negative affirmations.

The truth is that most people are given to making negative affirmations. When you think repeatedly that you are not going to succeed in a particular project, it is a negative affirmation. Affirmations, both negative and positive impact the neurological functioning of the brain.

Positive affirmations are like mantras. They have a sacred and spiritual force about them. Let us be clear about creating positive affirmations. They should not be normative or weak.

Thoughts such as I ‘should’, ‘ought to’ or’ abstain from’ are normative.

Examples of negative affirmations are: ‘I can’t’ do this. It is ‘quite difficult’. On the hand affirmations should be forceful and determined such as ‘I can’, ‘I will’, or ‘I am going to’. As mentioned above, your brain is always adapting to your thought patterns and directs your organs to act accordingly.

2. Learn to apply full stop

We keep mulling over our misfortunes, the perceived wrongs committed to us by those who we have loved and stood by so sincerely. We never stop cursing ourselves for the mistakes that we think we have committed. What would have happened if I had done this or that? What would happen if I do this or that in the future?

This is not to suggest we should not learn from our past mistakes or plan our future intelligently. The only thing is we should stop thinking over and over once we have learned from our past and decided about our future.

3. Let go of the need to be masochistic

Quite often we love to wallow in our misery. We enjoy creating self-punishing thoughts or being gloomy and pessimistic.

Here is an example:

“If I start selling candles, the sun will stop setting,

If I start selling shrouds, people will stop dying.”

I was born unlucky. Nothing good will ever occur to me.

Such thoughts not only cause a harmful impact on the mind, but they adversely affect your physical health as well.

4. Change your thoughts by counting your joys and blessings

Most people take their joys and blessings for granted and start grumbling about what they do not have; or, when they are faced with problems and troubles. Just think of those who are less fortunate than you. Or, think of a situation that could have been worse than it is now. You are crying because have hurt your knee in an accident. What, if the leg itself had broken? See the filled half of the glass for satisfaction and the empty half with a resolve to fill it.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” ~ Melody Beattie

5. Appreciate and enjoy what you already have

A great way to change your thoughts is to appreciate and enjoy what you already have. This is not to suggest that you should not aspire for a still better life. Enjoy whatever amount of success you have achieved instead of feeling sad about what you have not been able to achieve. There is nothing wrong with always fixing higher benchmarks or goals, but failure to reach them should not spoil your enjoyment of what you already have.

“If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.” ~ Lao Tzu

6. Savor the joys of your achievements

It is one thing to achieve your goal; it is another to enjoy it after you have achieved it. For example, you marry a woman of your dreams, but get bored with her soon thereafter and start looking for a new one. This is one of the most common causes of marital discords and breaks up.

“There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.” ~ Logan Pearsall Smith

7. Stand erect and hold your head high in trying circumstances

We often tend to feel demoralized in adverse conditions. We stop and feel low as if we are bending under their weight. This happens both literally and figuratively. You will, however, surely feel better if you try to lift your spirits and also your head like a person determined to take up the challenge. This is the best way to get out of depression. Try it.

8. Allow yourself to be playful and childlike

Children are known for the innocence and simplicity of mind. They soon forget their quarrels with their friends and start playing together once again. This is the reason that generally they are always happy and smiling. Translated into the language of the adults, we should learn to forget and forgive.

“The great man is he who does not lose his child’s-heart.” ~Mencius, Book IV

9. Seek happiness and contentment in the present moment

Do not associate happiness with future events. I will be happy when things happen this way. It is like postponing your happiness to an unsure future. The better alternative is to try to postpone your sorrow to some future moment as much as you can. The time to be happy is to-day because yesterday has already passed and you cannot be sure that tomorrow will bring any happiness.

“How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now, and there will never be a time when it is not now.” ~ Gerald Jampolsky

10. Be a master of your moods

Be a master rather than a servant of your own moods. You are the ruler of the kingdom of happiness. Do not allow other people or circumstances to make you happy or sad. Do not depend on material possessions to create happiness for you. It is for you to choose to be happy whatever the situation. Do not allow your heart to break up if your loved one has ditched you. If he/she can be happy without you so can you.

11. Wake up with a resolve to stay happy during the day

Resolve the first thing as you wake up in the morning to remain happy throughout the day. Spend some time with the flowers and plants in your garden. Listen to the songs of the birds in the trees or watch them flying high in the skies. Or, go out for a walk in the park nearby. Remember your resolve to remain calm as soon as you sense trouble coming. You owe yourself an ethical duty to remain happy.

12. Your body is your temple, honor it

Keep the temple of your body neat, clean and well-ventilated. Do not dump garbage of dirty, negative thoughts and toxic junk food in it. It is really difficult to remain happy when you are sick physically or mentally. There is a close relationship between the mind and the body. Take physical exercises regularly according to your constitutional needs. Subscribe to some inspiring- thought- for- the- day service to motivate you to stay happy during the day.

13. Meditate daily

Take stock of your day in the evening. Remember the little good things that happened. You were not held up in traffic snarls. Your car ran smoothly. There was no problem with your boss and colleagues. You had a delicious lunch or coffee. Thank your stars for a nice and happy day. This will fill you with gratitude and make you a happier person.

“During meditation, your metabolism and your breath rate go down to a level of rest, twice that of deep sleep.” ~ Mike Love

14. Focus on changing yourself instead of changing the world around you

It is impossible to change the world around you. So stop fretting when people do not come up to your expectations. The best course is to change yourself or at least adjust with the people or situations you do not like.

“Never underestimate your power to change yourself; never overestimate your power to change others.” ~ Wayne Dyer

15. Make the best of what you have

It is always better to make the best of what you have rather than pine for what you think is the best. A perfect state occurs only in Utopia and the world you live in is not that kind of ideal place. Do not be worried about the imperfections. The word ‘imperfection’ is derived from ‘perfection’. Even the most imperfect situation has some small element of perfection in it.

You change your life by changing your thoughts. If the thoughts you think are pure, your life will be pure.

Do you believe that thoughts have the power to transform your life? What do you believe stands between you and complete happiness? Is it your thoughts or something or somebody else?

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