Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Center | South Africa

Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Powerful Hypnotherapy Healing with Touch, Light and Water

Start to communicated with your subconscious mind, we know it has a powerful effect of sealing the healing and transformational work you are doing.

Healing with Touch

In a state of healing, as in everyday consciousness, it is often beneficial to be touched – usually on the forehead, the shoulders, the hands and arms, the heart center and the solar plexus. It is good to be touched lovingly from the heart. Not clinically.

Touch helps especially when you are working with the inner child. It is nurturing and healing and serves to help you to feel a sense of comfort and caring.

If is also worthwhile to be “touched without touching.” This means that your energy field is “touched” by hands stroking the air above your body, in slow stroking motions or in slow circular movements. This has a very healing effect, and it helps you to get into relaxation more deeply as well as to feel a sense of wholeness.

Healing with Light

This is a technique that can integrate you after you have been in pain or after you have gone through a healing process. Healing with light is actually more than a technique. It is a way of directly experiencing the Healing Presence or Higher Power or essence.

You can imagine that a beam of light is coming to you from a place in the universe or from another being – or that this beam of light is coming from within as a radiance emanating from yourself, illuminating you from the inside out. If it is a beam of light coming from a source other than from inside of you, you can imagine that it is a spotlight or a sunbeam.

You can imagine that it is beaming on you directly, healing every cell of your body and every bit of your mind. You can also imagine it emanating from another person or being – a healer or a special being – or from someone you know and love.

And, of course, it can come from inside yourself because you have this healing essence within you.

Healing with Water

Water is a basic element of your being. It composes a major percentage of your chemical makeup. It was your early fetal environment; it grows life and it also destroys life. It has great healing and transformative powers, on both physical and inner levels.

Water visualizations can wash clean old emotions and can regenerate bodies and spirits as well.

You can imagine that you are in a pool of water, a waterfall, a pond – or even the ocean, and you are washing away negativity, illness and pain. If you have a fear of water, you need only wade in or splash the water on yourself.

If you are an enthusiast, you can dive in and explore the depths of the ocean, glide past the undersea ocean life, and clear away your difficulties. You can clean the dirt of childhood abuse or the pain of anger, fear, guilt, and grief.

Golden Light Healing Pattern Hypnosis Script

And moving even further up,

above your head,

you may also note how,

at the very top of your aura is your wonderful source of light and energy,

a beautiful,


healing light.

Perhaps it is golden,

or maybe white,

or perhaps it is even some other colour.

I invite you to allow this light to shine on you,

filling your field with wonderful,





You may already begin to feel this golden light filling your personal space,

both within you, and in the space surrounding you,

cleansing it,

refreshing it,

and bringing a new vital energy to it.

You can feel it and experience its warmth,

comfort and healing as it fills your field with an energy that empowers you.

Feel it bring you the sense of confidence and

strength which you know deep inside can be and is yours.


Hypnosis healing is defined as a procedure during which changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings or behaviour are suggested.

Stop Self-Sabotage Affirmations – I Don’t Feel a Strong Connection to my Goals

Stop Self-Sabotage Affirmations – I Don’t Feel a Strong Connection to my Goals

I have a list of goals…
I have something I want to achieve…
I have named that goal…
Even if I don’t have it specifically spelled out…
Even if I don’t know exactly what I want…
At some point I have had the choice…
And I have had the chance…
To name the direction that I want to go…
And when I came up with the goals I was excited…
When I came up with the goals I was ready to go…
When I came up with the goals I couldn’t wait to move forward…
And now I feel so disconnected from that goal…
It feels unreal…
It feels too far away…
It almost feels like it was written for someone else…
Who is not me…
But this is just a phase…
This is just a stage…
There have been lots of times where I’ve lost connection…
There have been lots of times where I’ve lost enthusiasm…
And all I need to do…
Is tune into why I want those goals…
Because the goals themselves are means to an end…
We don’t lose weight just to lose weight…
We do it to feel healthy…
We don’t learn a new skill just for the sake of that new skill…
But because of the joy and opportunity it brings to our life…
I give myself permission…
To spend some time thinking about why I want these goals…
How they would change my life…
What they will do for me in the long term…
When I give myself space to do this…
I reconnect with my enthusiasm…
It doesn’t mean I think it will be perfect…
It doesn’t mean I think it will be easy…
But it will put me in a space…
To allow me to start moving forward.

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