Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Tag: Sleep Hygiene (Page 2 of 2)

Sleep Tool-Set Work on Good Sleep Hygiene

It’s important to take a look at the unhealthy habits that may be interfering with a good nights’ rest. Sometimes small changes (or even one change) can go a long way toward helping you sleep better. Here are some things that can help:

* Don’t sleep with your phone in your room.

As tempting as it may be to use your phone as your alarm clock or to scroll through social media when you can’t sleep, keeping your phone nearby might interfere with your sleep.

* Eliminate screen time before you go to bed.

Watching TV in bed or reading articles on your laptop might be keeping you awake. The light emitted from screens can interfere with your brain’s melatonin production and wreak havoc on your sleep schedule.

* Don’t work from bed.

Whether you’re typing reports or paying bills, working from bed may cause your brain to associate your bedroom with stressful activities.

* Don’t consume caffeine late in the day.

When you’re tired, you might be tempted to turn to caffeine to stay awake during the day. But that can make it harder to sleep at night.

* Don’t allow yourself to sleep in on days off.

Sleeping in late whenever you can might seem like a good way to catch up on sleep. But it’ll cause more sleep problems in the long run as it throws off your body’s sleep/wake times. Try to establish a consistent sleep schedule, and stick to it (even on your days off).

* Get exposure to light during the day.

Whether you go for a walk outside at lunchtime or you sit near a window, getting exposure to natural light during the day can be good for your brain. And it may help you sleep better.

Sleep Tool-Set Sleep Hygiene

Below are some simple sleep hygiene practices that you can use in addition to guided sleep meditation:

* Limit the use of blue-light devices in the last hour before bed, such as cell phones and computers.
* Go to bed at the same time each night and force yourself to get up at the same time each morning.
* Purchase a special light that mimics sunlight to help you wake up at a certain time.
* Use dark blinds to make your room dark if you need to go to bed at odd hours.
* Maintain a cooler temperature in your room for better sleep.
* Minimize sound in your bedroom other than white noise.
* Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day.
* Get regular exercise such as walking or practicing yoga.
* Wear comfortable pajamas like cotton that are breathable.
* Keep a gratitude journal before bed.

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