20 Positive Affirmations for Work
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These positive affirmations can help you clarify and obtain your career goals. If you’re looking to improve your overall job performance, find a new job, change careers or even improve relationships with clients and coworkers, you can use the affirmations below.
I further my career with every action I take.
I have my dream job.
I love every day that I work.
My career brings me closer to my family.
My job brings me financial abundance.
My coworkers love being around me.
My boss values the work I do.
I am a valued employee.
My clients appreciate and value my work.
I attract new clients every day.
My positive attitude, confidence and hard work naturally draws in new opportunities.
I am enthusiastic and excited about my work.
My enthusiasm about my job is contagious.
My workplace is peaceful and full of love.
I make decisions easily.
I speak positively about my coworkers and they respond by speaking positively about me.
I am rewarded for doing my best.
I engage in healthy stimulation during my breaks.
I eat healthy, nutritious food during my lunch break and my body is grateful, granting me energy and good health in return.
I radiate success.
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