Attract Your Soulmate – Bring Love into Your Life – Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones with Subliminal Messages

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Download this onto your phone then every night for the next 4 days listen to this recording on your phone softly at night when you are asleep.

This recording starts at a frequency of 2.75 hz (Delta) and slowly decreases over the course of 45 minutes, down to a frequency of 2.00 hz (Delta) for the remainder of the recording. This recording also contains subliminal messages. You will find the list of subliminal messages below.

You can listen to this recording whilst asleep or awake, both methods are equally as effective.

Here is a list of all the subliminal affirmations.

People enjoy spending time with me

I am ready to love, and be loved

I am a fun person that is full of life

I am a good, kind person

I make conversation easily

I smile every day

I look great

I am free to be myself

I have total belief in myself

I am a fun, charming person, and people like me

I have fun and interesting things to say

I am happy being me

My self-esteem grows stronger every day

I have a lot of love to give

I deserve to be happy

I enjoy meeting new people

Everyone likes me

I have full belief in myself

I am full of positive energy

I am attracting my soulmate right now

I am a nice person

I am a kind, considerate person

I have complete belief in myself

I deserve to be happy

I am happy

People enjoy my company because I am a happy person

I talk to new people every day

My confidence grows stronger every day

I am confident and self-assured

I have the confidence to start up a conversation

I am a unique, special person and I am worthy of love and respect

I can achieve anything I set my mind to

I am excited about my future

People are drawn to me because of my positive energy

I am a confident person that can talk to anyone

My positive energy allows me to attract love

I am worthy of love

I am filled with happiness

I have full belief that love is just around the corner

Love is just around the corner

I am a calm, confident person and everyone likes me

I am an interesting, attractive person

I fully believe in my ability to attract others

Love is on it’s way to me right now

I am a good person

With each moment I am one step closer to finding my soulmate

My positive energy is attracting my soulmate right now

I am loved right now

Love is here

I am a fun, interesting and intelligent person

Everyone I meet likes me because I am a nice person

Everyone likes me because I am a kind, tolerant person

Everyone I meet likes me because I am an amazing person

I have the confidence to ask people I like out on a date

I am good at making conversation

I have an excellent sense of humour

I deserve to be loved

I am loved

I am a calm person

I am a confident person

I talk to people with confidence

I feel happy and relaxed at all times

I am always relaxed in social situations

I am extremely happy with the way I look

I look great just the way I am

I feel great just the way I am

I am amazing

Life is amazing

I am an incredible person who is capable of anything

I feel good about myself

I am comfortable in my own skin

I am a charismatic person

When I speak, I speak with confidence

Everyone likes me

I am motivated to find love

I love the way I look

I look perfect just the way I am

I am fun and interesting to be around

I seek out opportunities to find love

Life is great

I have excellent communication skills

My soulmate is drawn to me because I am friendly and polite

My soulmate is drawn to me because of my interesting personality

I deserve to find love

I actively look for ways to find love

Love is here right now

I am completely content with every aspect of myself

I am a calm, confident person that enjoys life

I am ready for love

I am excited about my new love

New experiences bring new opportunities

I enjoy meeting new people

I am proud of who I am

I have so many amazing qualities

(((((All of the above are repeated throughout the recording)))))

This MP3 recording should not be listened to while driving or operating machinery. Headphones are not needed for this recording.

If you need the link to the MP3 download file – please send an e-mail to

All honour goes to Thomas Hall that has put together this wonderful Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones information.

This recording should not be used as a substitute for any medical care you may be receiving.

Please click here to make an Appointment!

Attract Your Soulmate – Bring Love into Your Life – Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones with Subliminal Messages