Getting things done means to implement all your ideas into life and act accordingly to a certain schedule. So if you know you need to do something and have a more or less specific plan of doing those things in your head, GTD is a good practice for you.
Choose a task that needs to be done, but you can’t seem to get yourself motivated to do.
- List reasons why you need to get this particular job done.
- List the reasons why you don’t want to do this job now.
- List the obstacles to getting it done.
- Recall other similar tasks that you have done successfully.
- List the negative ramifications of not doing this now.
- Think of how you are going to feel when it is all done and over with.
Sometimes this is enough to get you started. If not, perhaps the following self-hypnosis script might help. It is something I use to get me over the procrastination blues. Just substitute your own task at the strategic places (where it says “prepare for tomorrow’s meeting”). This script uses a shortened version of the self-hypnosis induction scripts that I’ve posted earlier. I also use these sorts of scripts when I run. I just go through and set my subconscious to work running a pattern and then let it continue while my conscious awareness is of the run. I call this Subconscious Multi-Processing. When the subconscious is finished it is usually like an audio tape running out at the end and clicking off for me. Of course you should feel free to change this script in any way you wish. Perhaps adding key phrases that are motivational to you. Hope this is helpful, Dale
Self-Hypnosis Script Begins
Hello. Greetings and welcome.
1000 1. Stare at a point on the ceiling as you breath deeply and relax.
Welcome to a time to go into a deep sound relaxing trance. You will find yourself becoming motivated to prepare for tomorrow’s meeting. and convinced that you can and that you have to get this done right away.
1000 2. You feel your eyes closing as you relax into a deep sound sleep.
Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply.
You find yourself thinking back to a time when you went into a deep sound trance. You realize where that trance state started within your body and how it moved through your body and where it exited your body. As you imagine that sequence of the energy coming into your body and moving through your body you feel that when the energy leaves your body it is circulated back through the entry place again and again. An energy loop is created so that the trance state is cycled through over and over, faster and faster and as it loops through it is enhanced, it grows stronger and deeper and more powerful. You feel yourself going into a deeper and deeper trance and find that the suggestions that you hear now have a powerful and deep effect upon you.
1000 3. Relax. Relax. Relax 1000 3. You feel the warm relaxation flowing through your body. Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply. From your shoulders, arms and hands down through your body and into your feet. Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply. You feel the warm relaxation flowing up from your feet through your spine and into your face and brain. Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply. Deep. Sound. Sleep.
1000 4. You hear the bird singing in a tree above. You feel the warm dust of a road beneath your feet. The sun is warm and soft against your skin. Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply.
As you walk down the dusty road you see mountains in the distance. Over the mountains the clouds form the number 1000 4. Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply.
You walk down toward a large placid lake and as you do the clouds turn red and gold and orange with the setting sun. And the 1000 4 feathers and dissolves.
Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply.
1000 5 As the sky grows dark, you lay down upon a large soft barge and float across the gentle lake. You look up and 1000 5 outlined in stars in the night sky. And as you float along you find yourself drifting over a threshold into a deep sound hypnotic sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.
In your mind’s eye you look up and to the right. There you see someone who looks just like you. Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply.
You watch that distant you and you notice that the you over there is becoming motivated to prepare for tomorrow’s meeting. and convinced that you can and you have to get this done right away. You see that other you becoming motivated to prepare for tomorrow’s meeting. and convinced that you can and you have to get this done right away using all the best behaviors that you have. You sense that the you over there has the best attitudes for becoming motivated to prepare for tomorrow’s meeting. and convinced that you can and you have to get this done right away.. You know that the other you has the beliefs and confidence that you need to become motivated to prepare for tomorrow’s meeting. and convinced that you can and you have to get this done right away..
You see that other you becoming motivated to prepare for tomorrow’s meeting. and convinced that you can and you have to get this done right away.. Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply.
You notice that that other you’s Internal Voice is enticing and encouraging. It reminds that other you of future rewards. You feel the excitement of becoming motivated to prepare for tomorrow’s meeting. and convinced that you can and you have to get this done right away.
Now you see a mist or fog come between you and the image of the other you. The wisdom of your subconscious processes these images and thoughts into an ecological whole.
Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply.
Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply.
When the mist clears you will see that some adjustments have been made in a way that is pleasing and good for you.
Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply.
When you are satisfied that you want to be that Person that you have created over there. Draw that you into yourself. Feel the energy and excitement of becoming this new you. You feel gratitude and joy that your mind can work such magic.
Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply. Drawing that other you in.
Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply. Becoming one with that other you.
Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply.
Now as you continue in your self-hypnotic trance your subconscious will run this pattern over and over. Each time the desire to prepare for tomorrow’s meeting and become convinced that you can and you have to get this done right away will increase. Time will slow as your mind repeats this pattern as many times as you need.
Whenever you need or desire to awaken you can. Whenever you wake up, whether it be soon or later you will wake up feeling refreshed and joyful. Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply.
Breathing. Slowly. And. Deeply.
Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.
Note on safety On completion of the recording you have a Self-hypnosis recording. It instructs you to close your eyes. Do not play it when you are driving, operating machinery or at any other time when you full attention is required. You use these scripts on the understanding that you and you alone accept solely responsibility for their use and any effects indirectly or direct therefrom.
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