Attract Your Soulmate – Bring Love into Your Life Affirmations

Here is a list of all the affirmations – Attract Your Soulmate – Bring Love into Your Life

I am a good person

People enjoy spending time with me

I am good at making conversation

I am easy to talk to

I smile every day

I am in total control of my life

I am a charming person, and people like me

I look and feel great

I am free to be myself

I have total belief in myself

I am confident and self-assured

I am an interesting and inspiring person

I am happy being me

My self-esteem grows stronger every day

I have a lot of love to give

I deserve to be happy

I enjoy meeting new people

I am full of positive energy

My positive energy draws people to me

I am attracting my soulmate right now

I am such a nice person

I am a kind, considerate person

I am happy

People enjoy my company because I am a happy person

I talk to new people every day

My confidence grows stronger every day

I am a unique, special person, and I am worthy of love and respect

I am loved, I am respected

I can achieve anything I set my mind to

I am excited about my future

I am a confident person who can talk to anyone

People are drawn to me because of my positive energy

I am worthy of love

My positive energy allows me to attract love

I am ready to love, and be loved

I am ready to trust

I am ready to share

I have full belief that love is just around the corner

Love is just around the corner

I am a calm, happy, confident person

I am an interesting person

I am attractive

I fully believe in my ability to attract others

Love is on its way to me

With each moment, I am one step closer to finding my soulmate

I am loved

My positive energy is attracting my soulmate right now

Love is here

People like me because I am a nice person

People like me because I am a kind, tolerant person

People feel comfortable with me

I have a good sense of humour

I have the confidence to ask people I like, out on a date

I deserve to be loved

I am ready for love

I am loved

I am a calm person

I am a confident person

I talk to people with confidence

I feel happy and relaxed at all times

I am always relaxed in social situations

I look great just the way I am

I feel great just the way I am

I am amazing

I am an incredible person who is capable of anything

I feel good about myself

Life is amazing

I am a charismatic person

When I speak, I speak with confidence

I am motivated to find love

I seek out opportunities to find love

Life is great

When I talk, I talk with confidence

My soulmate is drawn to me because I am friendly and polite

My soulmate is drawn to me because of my interesting personality

I deserve to find love

I actively look for ways to find love

Love is here right now

I am a confident person who enjoys life

I am proud of who I am

I have so many amazing qualities

New experiences bring new opportunities

I am ready for love

I let myself rest

I just let myself sleep

I am feeling so relaxed right now

I am so safe, calm, and peaceful


All my muscles are resting

I am so calm and comfortable

I just let go and rest

I feel completely relaxed

All I need to do is rest

I let everything go

I just let myself relax and fall asleep
