Make it a lifestyle use Positive Affirmations for more joy, peace, and harmony in your life.

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You can use affirmations in any situation where you’d like to see a positive change take place in your life.

These might include times when you want to:

  • Raise your confidence before presentations or important meetings.
  • Control negative feelings such as frustration, anger, or impatience.
  • Improve your self-esteem.
  • Finish projects you’ve started.
  • Improve your productivity.
  • Overcome a bad habit.

Affirmations may be more effective when you pair them with other positive thinking and goal-setting techniques.

For instance, affirmations work particularly well alongside Visualization . So, instead of just picturing the change you’d like to see, you can also write it down or say it aloud using a positive affirmation.

Affirmations are also useful when setting personal goals . Once you’ve identified the goals you’d like to achieve, affirmative statements can help you to keep yourself motivated in order to achieve them.

The power of affirmations lies in repeating them to yourself regularly. It’s useful to recite your affirmations several times a day (have them pop up in your notifications!). You also need to repeat your affirmations as soon as you engage in the negative thought or behavior that you want to overcome.

Write your own an Affirmation Statement

Affirmation statements usually target a specific area, behavior or belief that you’re struggling with. The following points can help you to write the affirmation statement that best fits your needs.

Think about the areas of your life that you’d like to change. For instance, do you wish that you had more patience? Or deeper relationships with your friends and colleagues? Or would you like a more productive workday?

Write down several areas or behaviors that you’d like to work on. Be sure that they are compatible with your core values and the things that most matter to you, so that you’ll feel genuinely motivated to achieve them.

Be sure that your affirmation is credible and achievable. Base it on a realistic assessment of the facts. For instance, imagine that you’re unhappy with the level of pay that you currently receive. You could use affirmations to raise your confidence to ask for a raise.

However, it probably wouldn’t be wise to affirm to yourself that you’re going to double your salary: for most people, and most organizations, doubling what you’re earning in one go isn’t feasible. Keep it realistic! After all, affirmations are not magic spells – if you can’t believe in them, it’s unlikely they’ll impact your life.

Turn negatives into positives. If you are struggling with negative self-talk, note down the persistent thoughts or beliefs that are bothering you. Then choose an affirmation that is the opposite of that thought and belief.

For example, if you habitually think, “I’m not talented enough to progress in my career,” turn this around and write a positive affirmation such as, “I am a skilled and experienced professional.”

Write your affirmation in the present tense. Write and speak your affirmation as if it’s already happening. This helps you to believe that the statement is true right now. For instance, “I am well-prepared and well-rehearsed, and I can give a great presentation” would be a great affirmation to use if you feel nervous speaking in front of a group.

Say it with feeling. Affirmations can be more effective when they carry emotional weight. You need to want this change to happen, so every affirmation that you choose to repeat should be a phrase that’s meaningful to you. For example, if you’re worried about a new project that you’ve been tasked with, you could tell yourself, “I am really excited to take on new challenges.”

Use affirmations to change your life for the positive

Take some time to make an account of your emotional, personal and professional goals. Write down each one and be very specific. Use names, dates, places, and concrete details. Your subconscious mind will respond to the thoughts that have real emotional significance. Write down the best possible outcome for each situation using the present tense. Avoid including don’t, won’t, and not, even if they are being used in a positive sense. Think about what you want, not what you don’t want.

For example: “I don’t feel stressed at work.”
Instead, word your affirmations in this way:

“I feel at ease during every moment I spend at work.“

“I enjoy spending time with my coworkers.”

“I am grateful for the support I provide my family.”

“I receive positive feedback when I complete projects.”

“My efforts are noticed and rewarded.”

Write your affirmations down, and read them daily. Eventually, you will be able to recall and recite your affirmations anywhere, at any time. When targeting your goals in any situation, focus on them repeatedly with positive emotional intentions to create a successful emotional outcome.

Examples of Affirmations

By definition, your affirmation will be personal to you, and specific to what you want to achieve or change, but the following examples may provide some inspiration:

I have plenty of creativity for this project.
My work will be recognized in a positive way by my boss and colleagues.
I can do this!
My team respects and values my opinion.
I am successful.
I am honest in my life, and my work.
I like completing tasks and projects on time.
I’m grateful for the job I have.
I enjoy working with my team.
I’m bringing a positive attitude to work every day.
I am excellent at what I do.
I am generous.
I am happy.
I will be a leader in my organization.

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