In the South Africa , ADHD continues to climb at an alarming rate. Between 2011 and 2013 alone, ADHD and ADD diagnoses rose 43%, with girls and women gaining in the diagnosis numbers.
Adults with ADHD currently number around 4.4%, but with only about 20% of these seek help. In addition, 41.3% of adult cases are what is considered as severe. Since 2003, the CDC has recorded almost 50% of American children have been diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). While medications are the most often prescribed treatment, many adults and families dealing with ADHD are not aware of other safer, alternative methods. Hypnotherapy offers a more natural approach, which no medicinal side-effects through Hypnosis for ADHD.
Adult ADHD mimicks the symptoms of childhood ADHD in many ways, the symptoms are similar. However, for adults, day-to-day interactions and tasks are a little more diverse than a child’s. That can make it much more difficult to hone in on what is or is not affected by your ADHD. This is where we’ll focus on inattentive ADHD signs and the hyperactive signs of ADHD. This will help lead you in the general direction prior to seeking Hypnosis for ADHD.
- Poor time management
- Lacking memory
- Simple tasks are difficult to complete
- Struggle with paying attention
- Always on the go
- Interrupt others
- Overly talkative
- Struggle with sleeping
- Difficulty sitting in a place for a prolonged amount of time
ADHD is normally associated with children or teens, but this disorder can follow into adulthood. It’s not as simple to diagnosis like other adult illnesses.
Hypnosis for ADHD – adult ADHD
A decision has to be made by an ADHD professional to see if you meet the criteria for ADHD as outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)–the official diagnostic guide used in the United States. From that point, there are tests that are completed to ensure a proper diagnosis and a treatment is put in place. Medications are a typical assumption, but we recommend a more natural approach – Hypnosis for ADHD.
“Hypnosis can give a person with ADHD the feeling of being in charge of [their] behavior. Hypnosis is a much more natural approach to keeping your ADHD at bay,” says Anna Baumgaertel, M.D., The Bridge.
Spotting ADHD Symptoms Early in Children
Being able to hone in on your child’s symptoms can make your treatment process simpler. Though there are many factors that can cause ADHD, there are three core ADHD Symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Breaking these symptoms down helps pinpoint where exactly the behavior or disorder is coming from.
Hyperactivity and Impulsivity
- Constant fidgeting of hands, feet or bodily moving
- Unsolicited blurting out of answers in classroom setting
- Tends to interrupt others and or invades space
- Finds it hard to sit still no matter the location
- Has difficulty playing quietly
- Organizing any task or activities is a challenge
- Avoids mentally challenging task (homework, hobbies)
- Easily distracted in class, at home, or while playing
- Hard to follow through on instructions, schoolwork, chores, etc.
Though boys tend to be more likely to have ADHD, girls symptoms can go unnoticed because of the less commonality. On average, ADHD Symptoms begin to appear at age 7, but can begin to show between the ages of 3 and 6. These behaviors can become much more than just “kids being kids”. Some cases have shown that ADHD can extend into their late teens; potentially stunting growth physically and mentally. Taking the time to analyze and accept your child’s behavior can make the difference how they grow and how they can contain it.
Hypnosis for ADHD Beats Medication
Medication tends to be the answer for most of the ADHD symptoms mentioned previously. In 2011, 6.4% of American children were being treated with some sort of ADHD medication. That number dropped to 6.1% in 2014; this could be due to many factors. However, medication does occasionally pose negative side effects despite taming ADHD symptoms. This could be why there is a drop in numbers. These side effects can be short-term, long-term or in extreme cases indefinite. Here are 2 things to consider when looking for alternatives to these potentially harmful medications.
Diet – One of the best unconventional treatments for ADHD symptoms is diet-focused. Eliminating certain foods is one of the first initial ideas for helping your children’s symptoms.There is no proof that sugar necessarily causes ADHD, but it can affect the actions around ADHD. Refined sugar and certain carbohydrates can shift your child’s actions. It can spike their blood sugar resulting in a peak in their hyperness. How to fix that? Make sure they receive enough fiber in their diet to help even out their blood sugar.
Omega-3 – These fatty acids have shown to be rather low in children with ADHD. That’s why taking an Omega-3 supplement is another beneficial recommendation. In a study, children who were given Omega-3s should improved signs while the placebo group had no shift in behavior. It’s a small step, but a much more beneficial choice than medications.
It’s important to try other methods and ways to help control your children’s ADHD symptoms. Though the two above are useful tactics in treating ADHD, one of the top methods is Hypnosis for ADHD.
Hypnosis for ADHD Offers Relief
Hypnosis places an individual into a relaxed mental state allowing them to be more receptive to suggestions and ideas. Hypnosis is well-established and is a widely accepted method of treatment. It has been used in the United States in a clinical setting since the 1970’s. Hypnosis for ADHD helps your child to remain in control of their actions and thoughts, but helps them release some tension, their anxiety and distracted thoughts.
At Hypnotherapy at the HHC , we approach Hypnosis for ADHD with the utmost respect, responsibility and education. Upon arrival at you or your child’s first appointment, our hypnotherapist will consult with you to assess what your needs and goals are from hypnotherapy. The first session will take approximately 1-2 hours due to it being the first consultation.
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