Anxiety and Stress is a mental health disorder characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one’s daily activities.

Does someone you know, or perhaps even yourself, suffer from anxiety?

Maybe you would like to know how you can ease the symptoms in a natural way? It can be very difficult to calm down when you are feeling anxious, and knowing what is best for you in those situations can be very helpful.

I am going to be discussing some natural remedies for anxiety today, and how they can help ease anxiety. These remedies are always worth knowing, in case you are trying to help someone with anxiety or want to try something new for yourself. First, let’s take a look at some of the signs that may occur, which could indicate that you may be suffering from anxiety.

Signs Of Anxiety

A lot of people can feel anxious from time to time. You may feel anxious if you have to give a presentation or have a big test coming up. Anxiety can become a problem when it affects your day to day life.

There are different kinds of anxiety disorders such as:

  • Social Anxiety
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder

There are many more types that can affect people, however, the symptoms and signs can be different for each individual. Whether you suffer from general anxiety or a specific phobia, you may experience these symptoms, and they are worth looking out for.

Physical Signs Of Anxiety:

  • Heart Palpitations
  • Dry Mouth
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle Tensions
  • Chest Tightness
  • Psychological Signs Of Anxiety
  • Not being able to stay calm
  • Feeling panic or fear
  • Sleep problems
  • Feeling uneasy
  • Difficulty concentrating

Natural Remedies For Anxiety And Stress

If you or someone you knows suffers from anxiety, and you would like to try and ease the symptoms naturally, here are some remedies that you could try.

See what works best for you or the person suffering and try them out when you are feeling anxious.

1. Breathe In Lavender

Lavender can calm people down when they are feeling anxious. Research has shown that inhaling lavender or putting some lavender oil on your skin, can help to ease symptoms of anxiety such as headaches, muscle pain, and nervousness.

This study also showed that it can help to increase calmness and can help fight anxiety naturally. It may be worth, if you can, adding a few drops of lavender oil to your bath. Even inhaling the lavender oil for immediate relief of your anxiety can work too.

2. Cut Out (Or Reduce) Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant, therefore it’s not a great idea to have a lot of caffeine if you suffer from anxiety. Consuming large amounts of caffeine can cause us to become jittery and restless, which are similar to symptoms of anxiety.

Having too much caffeine could make you feel worse and actually increase your symptoms. If you are able to cut out or at least reduce your caffeine intake, you should start to see an ease in your anxiety symptoms.

Instead of caffeine, try and switch to a more beneficial tea, such as green tea. These drinks have less caffeine in them and have better health benefits for you and your body! Be sure to read our full article on the health benefits of tea too.

3. Exercise

Exercise is known for releasing endorphins into your body, which can really help you to feel happier and also prevent depression and anxiety both immediately and for the long term.

Research on exercise and anxiety has shown that regular exercise can decrease levels of tension (which is often a symptom of anxiety) and can help to improve sleep, self-esteem and elevate your mood.

If you can fit in some exercise to your daily routine, or whenever you can, it can really help you to start to feel better and also relieve any anxiety symptoms you may have. It’s also a great way to help you to begin feeling more positive due to the chemicals that are being released into your body.

4. Chamomile

Whether it’s taken as a cup of tea, or as a supplement, Chamomile can be great to help calm people down.

If you are suffering from symptoms like feeling uneasy or restless, Chamomile can help ease those jittery moments.

A study suggested that those who took chamomile supplements for eight weeks had a great decrease in their anxiety symptoms, as opposed to those who took a placebo supplement.

If you can try Chamomile, it may help ease some of your symptoms and help to calm you down when needed. This can be a great natural remedy for anxiety. Plus, it can help replace coffee, so you can cut back on caffeine.

5. Get Outside And Be With Nature

Going outside, in a quiet natural area can really help you to calm down and start to ease your symptoms. If you can find somewhere, like a forest or park to walk around or even jog, this can be an effective natural remedy for anxiety.

Research in Japan has shown that those who walked for about 20 minutes in a forest had lower stress hormones after their walk than they did after a 20-minute walk in an urban and busy area.

It’s important to get outside when you can, but especially in a quiet and natural area, as this can help you to feel present and focus on your surroundings rather than your anxiety or stress.

6. Self Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis can be very helpful when it comes to identifying and changing your unhelpful beliefs. Hypnosis is designed to try and bypass the critical, doubting voices in your mind, which can often occur when you have anxiety.

For example, you could suffer from anxiety, which causes negative thinking or irrational fears etc, and self-hypnosis for anxiety is designed to try and change our mindset. It can help to change the way our brain works so that we can have more helpful beliefs and thoughts in certain situations.

This natural remedy for anxiety can help us to overcome certain psychological symptoms. If this is something you want to try, there are many different online programs available.

7. Meditation

Meditation can be a great way to start to focus on your thoughts and feelings. Many people who suffer with anxiety can sometimes have so many thoughts that won’t go away and cause stress, that they find it hard to quiet their mind.

Meditation can help with this. When you meditate you detach yourself from your thoughts and become present with yourself. It can really help you to stay calm and learn to not let your thoughts overwhelm you.

There are plenty of guided meditations available online, that are easy to do in the comfort of your own home, with someone or on your own. Studies have shown that mindfulness and meditation can help improve areas such as stress, negative personality traits and anxiety.