Feel Good About Yourself Affirmation
Here is a list of all the affirmations – Feel Good About Yourself
You are an incredible person
You have so much to offer this world
Life is a wonderful gift
You are so happy to be alive
You are a positive person who can see the good in every situation
You are a calm, confident person, and people like you
You are an interesting person
People enjoy spending time with you
You embrace every moment of every day
You feel so happy right now
You feel positive energy flowing throughout your whole body
You feel so peaceful and relaxed right now
You are an incredible person and you are worthy of love and respect
You are loved
You are respected
You love yourself unconditionally
You are proud of the person you have become
In this moment right now, you feel amazing
In this moment right now, you are carefree
You can achieve anything you set your mind to
You are a positive person
You feel a wave of relaxation wash over you
Happiness fills your heart
You smile every day
You embrace every day
You are safe
You are free
You are secure
You feel incredible
You are happy with the person you have become
Your self-esteem is increasing every day
You feel a wave of happiness wash over you
You are happy being you
People like you because you are a good person
People respect you and your opinions
You are a motivated person who can achieve anything
Your life is full of joy
You have an amazing ability to focus on happy thoughts
You feel happy and relaxed in all situations
You have a great personality
You are a confident person
You are a caring person and people like you
You are so grateful for your life
You are perfect just the way you are
You are so happy
You love life
You always think happy thoughts
Happy thoughts are floating through your mind
You feel so good about yourself
You let yourself relax
You feel so happy and relaxed
You feel good
You feel wonderful
You have a bright future, full of amazing possibilities
Let yourself rest
You’re feeling so relaxed right now
You are so safe, calm, and peaceful
All your muscles are resting
You are so calm and comfortable
Just let go and rest
You feel completely relaxed
All you need to do is rest
Let everything go